Monday May 24, 2015
I had a wonderful opportunity to experience what it is like to work in Frontierland today and let me just start out by saying that it was one of the greatest nights I've had working in the KINGDOM!! Don't get me wrong, Tomorrowland is my home and I will absolutely, without a doubt, always say that that is my favorite place to be, but Frontierland was equally as fun and magical for me.
SO one of my friends Chelsea was deployed to Frontierland all week this week, but didn't really want to work there, so I asked her if I could pick up one of her shifts because one of my goals is to try and work in every land in the Magic Kingdom before my college program ends. As of right now, I've working in Tomorrowland, Liberty Square, Main Street, and now Frontierland! My shift was in Upper Frontierland, which meant that I could be working in either the Frontierland Trading Post, Big Al's, or the General Store, except that since I'm not food safety trained, I wasn't able to work in the General Store, which was fine. I was really excited to be at the Trading Post though, because if you all know me, you know how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE pin trading and getting to look at all those pins was soo exciting!! My first assignment was at Big Al's so I went outside to the cart and played with bubble guns and got to enjoy pin trading with lots and lots of guests. I met lots of families and one in particular had come to visit their son who was in Entertainment. He performed in the flash mob hoedown, which was so amazing to watch because I've never actually seen it as a guest before. It was really neat!! Then I was assigned to be a porch greeter outside the Trading Post so I greeted guest with my best "HOWDY" and talked with a lot of guests needing to find directions to other attractions and just guests who were enjoying a little snack on the porch steps. I helped stock the cooler in the General Store, so I was able to go inside and let me just tell you that it smells absolutely amazing in there!! After that, I was finally able to finish my night inside the Trading Post. I was able to help make magic for a little girl by giving away a plush Marie doll, I assisted guests if they needed help at the shooting range right next store to the Trading Post, and I was able to play the fish game that they have inside for guests who wanted to pin trade. It was a very exciting day and I got to close the store and stock some of the pins before I left for the night. My friend Bianca was also works with me in Tomorrowland also picked up a shift in Zone 2 in Frontierland, so she got to experience working in the Briar Patch and in the Splash Mountain Shop. We both really enjoyed it even though it wasn't our home, but I would love to go back hopefully one more time before my college program ends. Only two and a half more months oh my!
~ Krista Lauren Girod