Goodbye Finals, Hello Disney!!
Guys!! I can't believe it!! Today was my very last day at Southern Miss, and I'm really sad... It feels so weird to think that I'm not coming back to school in January with the rest of my friends, but I'm also so excited to begin my Disney journey! It feels so nice knowing that I'm done stressing with school until next August, which makes me really HAPPY!
I had finals all this week which is never fun, but I got through them and am so happy that I finally have about a month and half to be at home and prepare for Disney until I leave. I had two finals Monday and two finals Tuesday and then a paper for English due today. On top of that, I had to pack up my entire dorm room to move out completely since I won't be coming back in the spring. My parents drove to come help me this morning because I had tons of stuff to pack up and bring home. Most of it will probably be repacked for Disney, HAHA! The last few days on campus were amazing, and I feel so blessed for all the sweet friends I have that have wished me the best of luck down in Disney! It's such a bittersweet feeling leaving. Around this time last year was when I first decided to research the program, and just about one year later today, here I am moving out of my dorm to start this new chapter in my life.
I just wanted to write a quick little blog about what's been going on! There's so much I want to tell you guys since I'm finally free from all the stress of college, but I feel like it would be easier to make a separate post for each thing I want to share with you all, which just means that there will be many new posts to read very soon!
Starting Monday I'll be working again until the end of January, which is exciting! I'm glad to be back working and to hopefully make a little bit of extra money to start me off for my program. Let's see what else I can say real quick... OOOHH Christmas will be here very soon which is my all time favorite holiday, so I'm looking forward to that! I forgot if I've mentioned this in past blogs, but I did find all my roommates and we've been talking about once a week or so. We all follow each other on Instagram and talking with them makes me so much more excited to meet them all! I will most likely write a separate post about how we all found each other and who everyone is. On a sidenote, Disney has been sending several emails within the past few days which is always exciting! I love Disney emails!!!! I received one all about the Disney look, which isn't very new, but there's tons of information to read (which I love!). All my roommates and I also received a tax registration email which was really simple to fill out, and I've already heard of some people getting their New Hire Paperwork email which is so cool!! I haven't gotten mine yet, but I'm hoping it will come soon! Disney also sent an email about a new arrival date opportunity which was different. They are apparently offering a new check-in date on March 2nd, but the departure date associated with that date would still be August 7th. I don't know anyone who would want to change their date to an even later one, but I thought that was interesting! I've already made my travel plans and have found all my roommates so I'm sticking with February 2nd!! Also, just two days ago I got my most recent email which was about the DORMS Housing process. It didn't say much, but it did remind us that we would able to register for housing two weeks before we check-in!
I'm going to miss everyone so much, BUT......................
In just 53 days more days and counting... I'll be there... Can't wait to be in the MOST MAGICAL PLACE ON EARTH!
~ Krista Lauren Girod
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